365 Days of Meditation in Scripture

por Toyosi Onwuemene

Daily meditation on the Scriptures engraves its wisdom within our hearts. Over time, these reflections align our actions in harmony with eternal principles. Consequently, our lives are transformed; and we enjoy prosperity and true success. Scriptures will be read in different translations.

Music from Chiedu Onwuemene. Copyright © 2023 by Chiedu Onwuemene.

Episodios del podcast

  • Glory seen upon you

    Glory seen upon you

    Today we meditate on Isaiah 60:2 - For behold deep darkness shall cover the earth

  • Your light has come

    Your light has come

    Today we meditate on Isaiah 60:1 - Arise, shine for your light has come . . .

  • Precious thoughts

    Precious thoughts

    Today we meditate on Psalm 139:17 - How precious are your thoughts to me. How great is the sum of them.

  • Breath of the Almighty

    Breath of the Almighty

    Today we meditate on Job 32:8 - There is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty gives him understanding.

  • Do you know?

    Do you know?

    Today we meditate on Isaiah 40 28 - Have you not known, have you not heard?