podcast recipe for success

Podcasting Recipe for Success: 12 Things Every Good Podcast Needs


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Like a delicious cake or your favorite meal, there are certain ingredients necessary to create a spectacular podcast. If you’re ready to take your podcast to the next level, read on as we’re sharing our podcasting recipe for success.


  • 1 enthusiastic podcast host (*Additional hosts optional)
  • 1 awesome topic idea
  • A pinch of creativity
  • 1 microphone
  • 1 pair of headphones
  • 1 computer
  • 1 editing program
  • 1 podcast hosting account
  • 1 workflow plan
  • 1 marketing plan
  • A handful of collaborators***
  • A splash of luck****
woman putting flower into a bowl


1. Grab a pen and paper or your favorite word processor on a computer and create a workflow and marketing plan. If you need help creating these we recommend using these recipes:

2. In a big mixing bowl, combine the topic idea, creativity, and podcast hosting account, and set aside.

3. In a second mixing bowl, combine the enthusiastic host(s), microphone, headphones, computer, and editing program.

4. Using your workflow plan, gently fold the contents of the first mixing bowl into the second

5. Pour into a baking pan, and pop it into the oven, and it should create a beautiful first episode of your podcast.**

6. Next, ice that podcast episode with your marketing plan.

7. Finally, sprinkle a handful of collaborators and a splash of luck onto the top of your podcast episode.

picture of cooking ingredients

At this point, you should have baked up a wonderfully delicious podcast episode, and have started marketing it. Now, it’s time to gather your ingredients again, and keep making new batches of your amazing podcast for the world to enjoy!

Serving size: Your ideal audience (could be a hundred or thousands of people).

Things to Keep in Mind

* You may need additional headphones and microphones if using additional hosts

** The time it takes for your first podcast episode to be ready may vary depending on how many hosts you have, scheduling your recording time, your familiarity with your editing program, etc.

*** Your collaborators may also vary, and can include:

  • Guests to interview
  • Influencers you may work with to help you promote your show
  • Any team members who help you produce the podcast
  • Podcast hosts that feature you on their program so you can continue promoting your show for free (See our recipe for guest podcasting)

**** Your luck may also vary. While there are several things you can do to ensure a great podcast quality wise, we’d be remiss if we didn’t state that for some beginning podcasters there is a bit of luck involved as to who will hit the ground running with a massively successful show, and who will have to work a little harder to make it happen. Still, the more effort you put into your podcast, the more likely you are to have a delicious result.

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