Who likes email spam? Not us!
RSS.com is excited to announce privacy improvements to better protect the identities of our podcasters.
So what’s changed?
Email addresses that are associated with a podcast and included in publicly available RSS feeds will be removed and replaced with an anonymous identifier.
Historically, email addresses were included in a show’s RSS feed and could easily be scrapped by bots and bad actors and used for spam, phishing scams, identity theft and other malicious activities.
By removing email addresses from RSS feeds, RSS.com is providing an extra layer of protection to keep our podcaster’s email addresses private.
At RSS.com, we put our podcasters first, and are pleased to release this feature to help better protect our users.
Watch the video below to see how easy it is to enable, then disable your email address in your public podcast RSS feed. ⬇️
3 Ways You Can Protect Your Email Address as a Podcaster
1. Don’t put your email address on any public facing website. If you want to allow people to contact you, direct people to a website you control that has a contact form to help filter promotional spam.
Another trick if you do decide to put a working email on your website, is to put a space in your email address before the @ so that scrapers and bots won’t get a working email address. Example contact @rss.com.
2. Be careful who you give your email address to. Before signing up for a newsletter, free guide or service, review the company’s privacy policy and data policy. If you don’t like what you see, don’t sign up!
3. Create an alias email address for email lists. You can keep your primary email address private by creating an alternative/alias email address or by creating a new email account altogether that forwards to your primary address.