Episode 112 - Celebrate Each Other's Highlights

Upfront & Undivided by Luke & Dean'na Wantz

Episode notes

Just because we know each other, doesn't mean that we know everything about each other. Throughout marriage, we will go on many adventures and journeys. On those adventures, we might have different highlight reels from it. We could choose to downplay those differences, or we could celebrate them. When you go on a trip with family, you won't have the same highlights as everyone else, and that is OK.

"We were together, I forget the rest." - Walt, Whitman, paraphrase

Have a listen, and let us know what you think!

Have the best week! Enjoy the journey!

communicationpatiencegodupfrontundividedrelationshipmarriagetoolscelebratejesusholy spiritencouragepotentialdisagree