Kellee Kryba

The Unplugged Debate by Craig Gavigan

Episode notes

On today’s episode, we have Kellee. Kellee is from Edmonton Alberta. She has had a diverse interaction with the natural world from a young age through to the present. A lot of her interaction with nature in her early years was driven by her mother, who works within the provincial environment agency. Which gives her a firm knowledge of the natural world around her, and this also led Kellee on to becoming a junior ranger. Which offered her the chance to go and speak with the environmental minister of the Canadian parliament at the time. However, like a lot of young Canadians, she also has a fair amount of experience in snow and working through arctic-style winter life. Kellee’s introduction to digital technology was limited going through school and accelerated when she went to university to get her degree in teaching. Which has swung around to bein ... 

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