#94 - Creating Hope for Grieving Kids in the Best Place on Earth with Sara Deren

The Spread Love Movement Podcast by Justin Court

Episode notes

Today’s guest has created a community and space that allows grieving children to embody a life full of hope and possibility through connection, compassion, and play. Sara Deren is the CEO of Experience Camps, which is a nonprofit that transforms the lives of these children through summer camp programs and innovative, year-round initiatives. They give grieving children experiences that change their lives forever. They create a space that allows these children to feel safe so they can be open and vulnerable about what they are experiencing. One camper said “I would explain it as the best place on earth.” The type of environment created at Experience Camps is truly something so special. During our convo I was greatly moved and touched by what Sara and her team are doing for these kids, I’m sure you will be too.

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