Triathlon Training

The RunRX Podcast by Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Episode notes

If you’re thinking about triathlon training, and want to do it pain free, you need to listen to this episode. Tune in now!

Timestamps of big takeaways

[00:22] Introduction to Pose Method for Triathlons

- The Pose Method® of Triathlon Techniques is the best book, even for non-triathletes.

[01:16] Coach Valerie's Personal Experience with Triathlons

- Coach Valerie shares her experience of getting into triathlons and training for the Danskin Triathlon in Austin.

[02:06] Importance of Learning the Correct Position

- Coach Valerie emphasizes the importance of learning the correct position or "pose" for each movement in triathlon (swimming, biking, running).

[04:25] Working with Dr. Romanov and Olympic Teams

- Coach Valerie discusses her experience working with Dr. Roman ... 

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racingfitness running coachrunning injuryrunning for womentriathlon training