The RunRX Podcast

by Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

RunRX is the prescription for running pain-free. With two decades of teaching running technique, Coach Valerie knows a lot about how to run without pain. Coach Caroline works with Valerie on the mindset of the athletes in their membership. Join them as they answer questions and talk about topics that many runners have asked and some that they don't realize they should ask.

Podcast episodes

  • When the Student is Ready

    When the Student is Ready

    Tune in as we discuss the transformative power of being open to learning. It might just help you run pain free! Timestamps of big takeaways Introduction and Personal Update [00:22] Coach Valerie shares about getting two new English bulldogs Being Open to Learning [01:34] Injured runners come to RunRX all the time, but it’s critical that when you come to us, that you’re open to learning The RunRX Zoom Classes [02:13] Here you will learn about our Zoom classes and how we work on running drills and movement Progress and Perception [03:24] Coach Valerie explains how long-term members are now feeling the "lightness" in their running The Learning Process Analogy [04:25] Let’s compare the RunRX process to a movie montage! Overcoming Initial Challenges [04:59] It’s normal to feel awkward and frustrated when first learning Ask Questions and Be Coachable [05:51] You need to be willing to ask questions and shouldn’t be afraid to seek help One-on-One Support [06:37] We share an example of how we provided individual support to a struggling member Group vs. Individual Coaching [08:11] Group settings can be beneficial, but there is individual support when needed Check-ins and Progress [09:24] Weekly check-ins contribute to progression Long-term Benefits [10:18] Long-term members continue to benefit from the RunRX program Join RunRX! [11:41] We invite you to join RunRX so you can run pain free! Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well! Links to check out -- -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX -- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram -- Have questions? Email us at -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel:

  • Triangles Symbolize Balance

    Triangles Symbolize Balance

    Unlock the secret of the RunRX triangle to revolutionize your running form, boost efficiency, and find balance at any age. Timestamps of big takeaways [00:45] Introduction and Inspiration Coach Caroline introduces the concept of triangles symbolizing balance, inspired by a podcast about the Supreme Court. [02:07] The RunRX Triangle Explained Coach Valerie explains the RunRX triangle concept, with skill, strength, and self-care forming the three points. [02:43] Pose-Fall-Pull Method The pose-fall-pull method is another triangle concept in running technique. [03:28] Balance in Running Technique Here you will learn how the triangle concept applies to achieving balance in running form. [04:39] Addressing Common Misconceptions Coaches Caroline and Valerie discuss how the triangle concept helps address misconceptions about running injuries and form. [06:04] The Importance of Awareness in Running Coach Valerie emphasizes the significance of awareness in improving running technique. [07:15] Improvement at Any Age The RunRX program helped a 72-year-old runner see improvements after just two weeks of applying the triangle concept. [08:43] Balancing the Running Triangle Understanding and balancing the triangle leads to improved running efficiency. [09:49] Correct Running Form There is a correct way to run, despite individual differences. [12:52] Closing Thoughts and Invitation Coaches Caroline and Valerie wrap up the discussion and invite you to reach out or join the RunRX program for more personalized guidance. Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well! Links to check out -- -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX -- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram -- Have questions? Email us at -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel:

  • Challenges and Streaks

    Challenges and Streaks

    Discover how to turn your running streaks into powerful tools for progress, not obsession, and learn to balance your goals with real life. Timestamps of big takeaways [00:24] Introduction to the Topic Coach Caroline introduces the concept of streaks and challenges, using her personal experience with a mind training app. [02:01] The Downside of Streaks Coach Caroline discusses the potential negative impact of breaking a long streak. [03:17] Coach's Perspective on Challenges and Streaks Coach Valerie shares her thoughts on how to approach challenges and streaks as a coach. [04:06] Setting Attainable Goals Setting realistic and attainable goals for challenges is critical if you hope to be successful in achieving what you want. [05:25] Balancing Challenges with Real Life Coach Valerie talks about the need to balance challenge goals with real-life commitments. [07:24] Creating Meaningful Challenges Set challenges that are not just about streaks but about progress and performance. [09:11] When to Intervene as a Coach Coach Caroline asks about when a coach should step in if a challenge becomes unhealthy. [10:02] The Importance of Balance in Challenges Coach Valerie emphasizes the need for balance and measurable progress in challenges. [12:10] AMA Invitation We invite you to reach out with questions. We’d love to answer them in a future episode. And, we invite you to join RunRX to learn first hand how to run pain free! Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well! Links to check out -- -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX -- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram -- Have questions? Email us at -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel:

  • Heart Rate in Summer

    Heart Rate in Summer

    As the temperatures outside rise, how does it impact your heart rate? Tune in as we share practical advice for runners training in hot conditions. Timestamps of big takeaways Introduction to Heart Rate Concerns [00:22] - Coach Caroline shares a personal experience with elevated heart rate while working in the heat. Heat's Impact on Heart Rate and Performance [00:02:08] - Discussion on how heat affects heart rate and performance, including the example of Olympic trials in Florida. Heart Rate Zones and Efficient Running [00:04:06] - Coach Valerie explains how learning efficient running techniques can initially lead to higher heart rates. Overcoming Fear of Higher Heart Rates [00:06:25] - The importance of allowing yourself to experience higher heart rates for improved performance. Heat Training and Race Preparation [00:09:34] - Discussion on whether to train in heat for races that will occur in hot conditions. Personal Experience with Heat's Impact [00:11:16] - Coach Valerie shares her experience of running at different times of day and the impact on heart rate. Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well! Links to check out -- -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX -- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram -- Have questions? Email us at -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel:

  • Do We Work with Old Dogs?

    Do We Work with Old Dogs?

    Let’s talk about older athletes. Can you teach an older athlete how to run pain free? Tune in for our candid chat! Timestamps of big takeaways Let’s Chat About Working with Older Runners [00:22] - Coach Caroline introduces the topic of working with runners that are over 60 years old. The Importance of Warm-up and Self-care for Older Athletes [01:37] - Older athletes need more warm-up and self-care. Benefits of Muscle Elasticity for Older Runners [03:21] - Elasticity can help reduce joint pain in older runners. Success Story of an Older Runner [04:11] - Here we chat about a runner in his sixties with severe arthritis who improved his running through the RunRX program. Openness to Learning in Older Runners [05:32] - Older runners are often more open to learning new techniques. Take a lesson from this younger athletes! Success Story of an 85-year-old Runner [06:02] - Coach Valerie shares a story about an 85-year-old runner achieving a sub-10-minute mile. Addressing Skepticism About Learning to Run [08:13] - Here we chat about how to approach runners who are skeptical about needing to learn proper running technique. Efficiency and Injury Prevention in Running [09:22] - Coach Valerie explains the focus on efficiency and injury prevention in the RunRX teaching method. Success Story from a Recent Clinic [0:11] - We share a story about an older runner who rediscovered the joy of running without knee pain. Rate, Review & Subscribe Reminder Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well! Links to check out -- -- FREE 30 day reboot on YouTube by RunRX -- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram -- Have questions? Email us at -- Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel: