RunRX and Pickleball

The RunRX Podcast by Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Episode notes

Coaches Valerie and Caroline discuss how RunRx drills can help pickleball players improve their game and decrease injury risk through developing foot elasticity.

Timestamps of big takeaways

How Pickleball Got Its Name

[01:17] The founders' dog named Pickle would steal the ball, leading to the name. The sport is growing rapidly in popularity

How RunRx Can Help Pickleball Players

[02:30] RunRx drills help develop elasticity needed for pickleball. Warmups and foot/ankle exercises can prevent pickleball injuries

[03:55] Bending knees is key for elasticity, most people lock knees without realizing it

[04:40 Elasticity helps many sports including golf, tennis, racquetball, etc…

Length of Pickleball Games

[04:40] Pickleball games last 45 mins to 1 hour,  ... 

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