What is the one movement?

The RunRX Podcast by Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Episode notes

What's the one simple movement that can transform your running form almost overnight? Tune into this episode of the RunRX Podcast and find out!

Timestamps of big takeaways

The One Movement Question (00:00:55 - 00:03:15)

[00:25] Coach Caroline asks "what's the one exercise I should do?"

[01:26] Coach Valerie says the "ball of foot hop" is the foundation of running biomechanics, but people underestimate how challenging that is

Teaching One Running Action

[03:15] The RunRX method focuses on teaching the "pull" action when running. It's simple but not easy - requires at least a month of dedicated practice. Trying to speed up process by doing more doesn't work

[06:04] When we’re teaching the standard of movement in running, we’re trying to instill “pose, fall, pull” into you, and the pull is  ... 

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