Trends in running

The RunRX Podcast by Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Episode notes

Short episode summary

What are the hottest trends in running? Coaches Caroline and Valerie explore that very subject in this episode!

Timestamps of big takeaways

More Beginners Are Getting Into Running

[00:21] Research shows more beginners who have never run before are taking up running, especially women ages 35-65.

Goals Are More Recreational

[02:20] These new runners seem less competitive and more focused on enjoying running rather than performance.

[02:28] Coach Valerie talks about running her first marathon back in 2000 when marathons were less popular.

Older vs Younger Runners

[04:16] Coach Valerie shares how she initially worked with older runners, moms getting back in shape. But now sees more beginners in their 30s/40s.

Pandemic's Influence on Run ... 

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