Why we don't talk about nutrition and gear

The RunRX Podcast by Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Episode notes

In this episode of the RunRX Podcast, Coaches Caroline and Valerie explain why nutrition and gear are not the main focus of their coaching. Tune into find out why!

Timestamps of big takeaways

Why The RunRX Coaches Don't Focus on Nutrition/Gear

[00:21] Coach Caroline introduces the topic and asks Coach Valerie to explain their philosophy on nutrition and gear.

Nutrition is Individualized

[02:23] Fueling and nutrition have to be tested by each runner. While we welcome discussions of what works for our members, we don't believe in prescribing specific products.

The Carbo-Loading Myth

[03:51] Research has shown the benefits of high carb diets were actually just from increased hydration, not carbs themselves. The trouble is runners often take nutrition advice to extremes.

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