
A Dark Andy Ran Off With Philip K Dick’s Electric Sheep: PKD Pt. 1

The Paranormies by Johnny, Reinhardt, Alt Skull, Hollis, Grognak, and Jack

Episode notes
Johnny and Grognak welcome Aether to the show for the first time to talk about one of science fiction’s most prolific writers. What is so spoopy about this man, and how did he turn out to be such an accurate predictor of the future. Was it drugs, imagination, or was he another MK ULTRA system plant/victim?Get /comfy/ and join the guys for a talk about PKD the man and two of his best-known works.Panel: Johnny, Grognak, and AetherBreak Music: Flesh Hold, by Fear FactoryCreepypasta: A Computation Ditch, written by Grognak, read by Reinhardt