
TNE: An Ex-Presidential Artificial Incarceration Conflagration

The Paranormies by Johnny, Reinhardt, Alt Skull, Hollis, Grognak, and Jack

Episode notes
Fash Gordon returns to the Paranormies for his first Nationalist Enquirer!>cyberpunk in hollywood>AI sends Trump to the big house (Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/EliotHiggins/status/1637927681734987777)>Elon and Neuralink: Thought status: patrolled>chips, they aren’t just for eating>Roger Ebert is a cyborg>Paranormies right again (and again)>Brandon makes more memesPanel: Johnny, Dogbot, Fash Gordon, GrognakBreak Music: Valhalla, by BathoryNecronormiecon: Audience Influence, read by Dogbot