
TNE: Freedom of (Mal)information Act(ors)

The Paranormies by Johnny, Reinhardt, Alt Skull, Hollis, Grognak, and Jack

Episode notes
  • Black Hebrew Israelites have left the plantation and are theatrically paying the price.

  • Kyrie Irving jumps through hoops to keep his soul.

  • Aaron Carter definitely wasn’t murdered after joining Ye’s crusade.

  • Watching the skies! Blood moons, DEWs, meteors, and more!

  • Dream Hacking Ads: Your very own MKUltra programming ritual, from the comfort of your bed!

    Panel: Johnny, Reinhardt, Hudson, and Grognak

    Break Music: Escenas de una Pesadilla [Scenes from a Nightmare], by Aler

    Necronormiecon: Morality and Revolution Pt 2, read by Dogbot