Successful Student Transitions - A Time to Thrive

by Louise Wiles and Elizabeth Gillies

Are you a student about to make a big life change? Do you feel both excited and nervous about this new life chapter? Elizabeth and Louise understand - and are here to help.

Elizabeth and Louise bring years of experience providing transition and wellbeing support and are excited to be supporting you through this podcast and their online and in person courses, workshops and webinars.

Successful Student Transition ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 10

  • Endings and New Beginnings: Prepare Well for Times of Change

    Endings and New Beginnings: Prepare Well for Times of Change

    As the summer holiday begins in the Northern Hemisphere, many students, teachers and parents are looking forward to some rest and relaxation after a busy academic year. For many students this time represents the end of one stage of their education and the beginning of the next, a move from primary to secondary school, a transition to higher education, or maybe a move into the world of work. In this episode, Elizabeth shares her professional insights into this time of year and how she supports students, parents and educators to embrace both endings and new beginnings. Listen as we discuss: Elizabeths reflections from her professional work at this time of year. Four elements of the RAFT framework. The importance of review and reconciliation. The value of affirmation The rational for taking the time to make a good farewell The positivity in thinking destination. A little of what we have got right and wrong during our past times of transition. Why transitions are not all easy, there are both good times and bumps along the way. The importance of self-compassion at this time. A timely episode for this time of year.

  • The Return, Tips to Help Students and Families Thrive together over the summer

    The Return, Tips to Help Students and Families Thrive together over the summer

    Exams over, results out, the long summer vacation begins. A time for re-connection between students, family and old friends. A time that brings joy and probably also 'some' frustration... In this episode, we revisit Episode 55, first designed for the return home after term one at university. On re-listening we realised everything we said was relevant not just for that first return but for subsequent ones as well. So, whether you are a student, parent or other family member, this episode is worth a listen as you all embark on The Return -:) We discuss: How student experiences will have varied and home life may have moved on. How to find the new balance. The importance of setting realistic expectations and communicating them. Why 'negotiation' may become the most helpful word of the summer. The value in good endings and new beginnings even when the transition is a mini one. A reminder to put your well-being at the heart of the holiday period. Rest and recovery.... and whatever else makes you feel well. Setting the scene for a positive return to university in September.

  • Season 9

  • Starting University? A Blueprint for Successful Student Transitions Part Two

    Starting University? A Blueprint for Successful Student Transitions Part Two

    We know the starting university is both an exciting and scary time. For many students it is their first step into moving away from home and living independently. Over the past 18 months on this podcast we've been exploring the question of what it means to thrive in times of transition as a student, and we believe we have reached some important conclusions. In this episode we reveal why we believe a Transitions Blueprint will help students to adjust and settle well as embark on their move to university. This follows on from Episode 74 where we shared our rational and foundations for the blueprint and why we believe it is necessary to make this kind of support available for students. In this episode we discuss: How our professional and personal experiences have been our source of inspiration for transition support. Why cultural agility forms part of the solution for times of transition. How our approach complements the support many universities aim to provide for students. The three tasks that we have to support students. Our approach and plans.

  • Starting University?: A Blueprint For Successful Transitions. Part One

    Starting University?: A Blueprint For Successful Transitions. Part One

    We know the starting university is both an exciting and scary time. For many students it is their first step into moving away from home and living independently. Over the past 18 months on this podcast we've been exploring the question of what it means to thrive in times of transition as a student, and we believe we have reached some important conclusions. In the next episode, episode 75 we reveal our Blueprint for Successful Student Transitions. In this episode, we present our rational and the foundations for the Blueprint. Here we: Discuss the nature of change in the 21st century and ask, how well are we preparing student for this fast paced ever changing world? Outline the experience of university transition and explain why supporting students to thrive through this life change, provides an important template for future transitions. Share recent research into student wellbeing and mental health when starting university. Share our four foundations for the Blueprint for Successful Student Transitions. We hope you enjoy this episode.

  • Season 7

  • Exam Smarts: Learn to Play Your Best Game with Steve Schecter

    Exam Smarts: Learn to Play Your Best Game with Steve Schecter

    Welcome to Exam Smarts. In this episode, we're excited to welcome Steve Schecter from Steve brings his wisdom of learning and tutoring experience to this inspiring conversation, packed full of engaging stories leading to pertinent lessons. Listen to discover: How to harness the power of expectations in a way that makes the most of potential. Wise words on the subject of perfectionism, why we need to stop believing all we think especially about our limitations. Steve's thoughts re GRIT and his preference for persistence of thought and habit. Why celebrating small gains is the way to win at exam/assessment preparation. The value in the exam experience for building important life skills - yes really! Steve's 5 powerful tips for approaching exam season with confidence. To learn more about Steve, go and read his inspiring story HERE