Sales Are The New Likes, Views, and Clicks with Andy Hohl

Profitable Performance Marketing by JEBCommerce

Episode notes

Today I speak with Andy Hohl, Brand Partnerships and Sales at MagicLinks. As Public Relations and Affiliate Marketing continue to merge, we at JEBCommerce try to bring you the conversations that will help you navigate this brave new world. And this is just one of those conversations.

MagicLinks is an influencer platform, working with over 25,000 influencers and 4500 brands. Andy and I discuss best practices in working with MagicLinks, their influencers, and integrating affiliate marketing and PR in this way.

Andy has been working in PR and Affiliate Marketing for over a decade and has seen the transition and the integration of these two channels happen for some time. Needless to say, he has some great insight.

If you are trying to navigate this new thing, this is  ... 

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affiliatemarketingconsumer behavioraffluencertrackingprpublic relationsmagiclinksandy hohl