Virginia Muzquiz, CEO of Master Connectors®

powherfull inc startup stories by Mia Frankl

Episode notes

Virginia is a dynamo, we clicked right away and in this episode Virginia from shares her extensive business building portfolio to serve you in what to do, how and why when you are getting started.

As the Referral Diva®, Virginia Muzquiz is passionate about empowering purpose-driven entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and fund their dreams. She is the founder and CEO of Master Connectors, a company that helps entrepreneurs and small business owners generate consistent cash flow by filling their sales funnels with high quality referrals. Using her proprietary Referrals on Demand® process, clients that work with Virginia consistently earn a six-figure income... and have the time freedom to enjoy it!

A key takeaway for me from this conversation is to SERVE. Create your favorite offer and get people in it. Make a deal, offer as a hot s ... 

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