A Whole Lot Of Fun with Maggie Yan

Mickey Mics Up by Michaela Alfano

Episode notes

Today we are celebrating one year of Mickey Mics Up !!! I genuinely can not even believe that it has been that long but I am just so excited and blessed with all the guests I have had on and I can not wait to do more exciting things.

In this episode I got to talk with my very own Creative Director and Co-Founder of Women's Sports Exchange Maggie Yan about college life during covid, how we got into soccer, and then of course our child that is Women's Sports Exchange.

Since we spent time talking it about it, this felt like the perfect time to announce that Mickey Mics Up will not be part of Women's Sports Exchange. Nothing will change on this show except it will now be able to be found on https://www.wsportsxchange.com/ when we launch the site soon!

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