The Antidote to Reactionary Living w/ Liz Wright

Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright by Charisma Podcast Network

Episode notes

“When you look at all of their lives, the truth, the revelation key they all embraced and were transformed by the truth that Christ is within us.”

When we experience a revelation of the reality that Christ is within us, everything changes. Our understanding and experience of His love for us comes in to mend the separate or fractured places of our souls, and our ability to walk in the calling that He has set before us becomes easier. In this episode, Liz shares a recent experience that she had with Jesus, where He revealed that many are living lives of criticism, sadness, and in a deep deficit of love. The truth that Christ lives within us, and that He wants all to experience His love from this understanding, is the game changer to this reality, healing broken places and transforming lives. We live in rest when  ... 

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