#FridayScience with Dr Kath on YassFM 100.3

by Kath Kovac

Anything and everything in the world of science is fair game on #FridayScience. I interview researchers, academics, science communicators and citizen scientists (and play some loosely related sciencey tunes along the way).

I completed a PhD in plant molecular biology back in 2003, but discovered I was more suited to yakking about science than actually doing it! I've worked as a science communicator since 2004, both as ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • A missing rite of passage for girls - the first menstrual cycle, with Charlotte Pointeaux

    A missing rite of passage for girls - the first menstrual cycle, with Charlotte Pointeaux

    Charlotte developed First Moon Circles for girls - beautiful, intentional gatherings where young girls can learn about their menstrual cycle - not just the nuts and bolts of what, why and how to manage, but how it is a rite of passage that should be honoured and celebrated, not hidden and shameful. She also trains other women how to hold these circles in their own communities, spreading this wonderful concept around Australia and across the world. Connect with Charlotte at charlottepointeaux.com or firstmooncircleschool.com

  • Home births and the shamanic dimensions of pregnancy with Anna Clarke

    Home births and the shamanic dimensions of pregnancy with Anna Clarke

    I chat with Anna, ex-hospital midwife who, horrified at the treatment of birthing mothers - and at the bullying of student midwives! - became a homebirth midwife. We talk about how birth interventions are skyrocketing in hospitals, but are low in homebirths. However, less than 1% of births today are homebirths. We look at the reasons why - one of which is insurance companies' refusal to insure home midwives, and another being lack of info given by GPs. We also talk about the shamanic dimensions, or inner journey of pregnancy, the burning of midwives as witches, the use of drumming in labour, and even touch on ecstatic and orgasmic birth - who knew?! Connect with Anna here.

  • Conversing with your pets and connecting with those departed, with Kelly Mercieca

    Conversing with your pets and connecting with those departed, with Kelly Mercieca

    Wondering what your cat or dog is trying to tell you? I chatted with Kelly, an animal communicator who can psychically connect with pets, both living and departed. We chat about how she can 'talk' to dogs, cats and other animals to find out what problems they have, and work with the owners to solve them. She also heals ill pets through reiki! Connect with Kelly at https://kellysanimalcommunication.com.au.

  • Holistic wellness with Melissa de Jong

    Holistic wellness with Melissa de Jong

    I chat with Melissa de Jong about her reiki practise in Yass, NSW, along with her experience in tarot cards and akashic records - listen in to find out what they are! Mel is originally from California. I enjoyed the story of how she found the love of her life in an 'Absorption Centre' in Israel, and followed him from to Australia. Mel is hosting a Holistic Wellness Taster event in Yass in April so we talk about that, too. Connect with Mel here: Home | Friends of the Light Alternative Healing Arts

  • Australian kids' books with author Cate Storey

    Australian kids' books with author Cate Storey

    I chat with kids' author Cate Storey, who started writing books about our native animals because she couldn't find what she wanted in the bookstores. With an environmental scientist for a mum and a botanist for a grandmother, Cate's love of the Australian environment and the lesser-known creatures that populate it shines through in her delightful stories for young readers. Ever heard of a phascogale, a planagale or a greater glider? You'll hear all about these cute creatures in this interview. Connect with Cate at www.wetseasonbooks.com.au