#24 - 10 ways to prevent injuries in the gym

Heroes Journey PhysioFitness by Dr. Cameron Hoge & Anibal Rios

Episode notes

Unleash your potential and conquer the gym without fear of injury! Join us as we reveal 10 game-changing strategies to prevent injuries and optimize your workouts. Respect the weights and leave your ego at the door as we explore how they have a way of humbling even the mightiest. Embrace a resilient mindset that unlocks your body's full potential—what you think about your body shapes its response. We'll arm you with practical tips, including dynamic warm-up routines and the power of mobility, to ensure your body moves with strength and grace. Whether you're a gym newbie or a seasoned pro, these insights will transform your fitness journey. Get ready to elevate your performance, break barriers, and conquer the gym with confidence. It's time to take charge of your well-being and unleash the true power within you. Tune in now and discover the path t ... 

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