Ep80: Dr Claudia Pastides, Flo Health - Being open and honest about menstruation, sex and reproductive health

HealthTech Hour by Steve Roest

Episode notes

Dr Claudia Pastides is Director of Medical Accuracy at Flo Health and speaks to Steve Roest, CEO of PocDoc in this week's show. Flo aims to build a better future for female health and supports women during their entire reproductive life cycle and has over 48 million active users a month - an incredible number of women - across the entire world. Flo covers not just menstrual tracking, but also provides honest, accurate information about sex, reproductive health and other issues that are often considered taboo. Not just for adults, over 50% of all UK under 18s use Flo.

womenwomens healthfloreproductionmenstruationperiod trackingsexsexual healthpcosendometriosis