Caregiver Burnout

Health Chatter by Clarence and Stan

Episode notes

Stan, Clarence, and Barry chat with Dr. Terri Harvath and Lisa Brown about caregiver burnout.

Dr. Terri Harvath - Clinical Professor at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing - is an internationally recognized expert in gerontological nursing practice and education and is currently serving as the Associate Director of the Clinical Science & Practice Core for the Center on Healthy Aging and Innovation at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Harvath also serves on the National Advisory Committee for the CAP-CT (Caregivers As Partners in Care Teams), Advancing Caregiving Research and Evidence Network (CARE Network) Steering Committee, and the National Alliance for Caregiving. Whether in teaching, research, or clinical practice, Dr. Harvath’s passion centers on the well-being and health care of frail, older people and their family caregi ... 

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