Valentine's 2023: The Eating Disorder Relationship & Psychedelic Research

The Full of Beans Podcast by Hannah Hickinbotham

Episode notes

In this weeks episode, Han is joined by Jennifer Danby for a Valentine's Day special; taking a deep dive into our relationship with ourselves and others, and an eating disorder. Jennifer is a Clinical Lead and Family Therapist in a specialist lifespan eating disorder service in London and specialises in emotion-focused family therapy. Jennifer joins us today for a valentine’s special, to talk about our relationship with self and how this is affected by an eating disorder. Jennifer is also conducting a research study at Imperial College London, which involves providing psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy to individuals with an anorexia nervosa diagnosis to determine whether this could be an alternative, effective, treatment for people in the future.

In this weeks episode, we discuss:

  • Jennifer's work in eating disorders, and how  ... 

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