Letting Yourself Go, or Letting Yourself Live? A Personal and Clinical Perspective with Craig Lee

The Full of Beans Podcast by Hannah Hickinbotham

Episode notes

In this week’s episode, Han is rejoined by Craig Lee. Craig is an accredited online counsellor and psychotherapist with 18 years of experience in behavioural change and mental health services. Craig uses his personal experience of an eating disorder and body dysmorphia to support clients to achieve food freedom, enhance their body image, and lead fulfilling lives using his lived experience.

  • The normalisation of orthorexia and the impact this may be having on individuals struggling with orthorexic tendencies.
  • The recent separation of orthorexia, orthorexia nervosa, and "healthy orthorexia".
  • The role of a diagnosis and how this can be supportive or destructive for someone's recovery.
  • The role of labels, how they can become someone's identity, and how this impacts them living a purposeful life.
  • Craig a ... 
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mental healthrecoveryintuitive eatingdisordered eatingeating disorderorthorexiamale mental healthneurodiversitybody imagetherapydiet culturehealthadhdtreatment