Exploring the Link Between Eating Disorders & Menopause with Gemma Sharp and Alisha Randhawa

The Full of Beans Podcast by Hannah Hickinbotham

Episode notes

In this week's episode, Han is joined by Gemma Sharp and Alisha Randhawa. Gemma is an Associate Professor of Research and Senior Clinical Psychologist who leads the Body Image & Eating Disorders Research Program at Monash University in Melbourne. Gemma is also the lead of the International Consortium for Research in Eating Disorders which will be officially launched in September 2024. Alisha Randhawa is a Research Officer at the Body Image & Eating Disorders Research Group at Monash University in Melbourne, and an aspiring clinical psychologist.

This week, we discuss:

  • The link between the menopause and eating disorders.
  • The impact that the menopause can have on a woman's health, including her mental health.
  • The impact of changes in hormone levels, particularly oestrogen and testosterone.
  • The imp ... 
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mental healthrecoveryanorexia nervosabulimia nervosabody positivitybody acceptancebody neutralityexerciseintuitive eatingdisordered eatingdepressionbody dysmorphiarelationshipseating disorderorthorexiabinge eating disorderbody imagewellnessdiet cultureatypical anorexiahealthresearchwellbeingdietingmenopausesupporttreatmentpsychiatry