Episode 7: Students with Emotional & Behavioral Disorders, SEL, and Academic Growth

Education Rx by Hollye Bronson and Shannon Donnaway

Episode notes

Within public education, there is a classification of "Affective Education," or students with emotional & behavioral disorders. These students may have mental health issues, such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, or other diagnoses that include an emotional/behavioral element. This population of students may have average to above average academic skills, but they are sidelined by their struggles with managing the classroom environment, emotional regulation, and/or social interactions. It is not uncommon for these students to be overlooked when we are talking about the impact of virtual learning or social emotional learning because we may not see how this additional layer of complexity is directly impacting them and their educational experience ... 

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public education practicesbehavioral impacts on academicsmotivationstudents with behavioral challenges