CX Goalkeeper with Annette Franz - S1E22 is about her book "Customer understanding"

THE CX GOALKEEPER - Transformation, Customer Experience, and Leadership Goals by Gregorio Uglioni

Episode notes

The CX Goalkeeper had a smart discussion with Annette Franz

My learnings discussing about the book “Customer Understanding”, while we went through the three chapters:

1) Listening

  • Start with the customers and design / develop products for them. (and don’t try to find customers for the products).

  • Starting with “listening” and continuing by capturing all the relevant data and consolidating them: these steps help to really understand the customers.

2) Characterize:

  • Segments are like the continents on our planet. They are too high level to design experiences.

  • A “Buyer Persona” is also too high level for customer journey mapping. It shows preferences, what customer buys and how he/she buys.

  • The ... 

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