Crafting Clarity: Alyona Medelyan on the Journey of Thematic and Revolutionizing Feedback with AI

THE CX GOALKEEPER - Transformation, Customer Experience, and Leadership Goals by Gregorio Uglioni

Episode notes

🚀 Welcome to a groundbreaking episode of the CX Goalkeeper Podcast! Today, we're joined by Alyona Medelyan, CEO of Thematic, who shares her expert insights on how AI is transforming customer experience.

🔍 In this episode, Alyona delves into:

  1. AI's Role in Customer Feedback Analysis: Discover how AI can sift through customer feedback to provide actionable insights.
  2. The Essence of Net Promoter Score: Unravel the importance of NPS in gauging customer loyalty and satisfaction.
  3. Creating Custom Taxonomies: Learn about the power of personalized feedback analysis for deeper customer understanding.

🌟 Why Listen?: This episode offers valuable strategies and insights to enhance your customer experience strategies through AI.

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