The Experiences of a Customer Experience Legend with Alex Mead

THE CX GOALKEEPER - Transformation, Customer Experience, and Leadership Goals by Gregorio Uglioni

Episode notes

Welcome to another riveting episode of the CX Goalkeeper Podcast, where we delve into the art and science of customer experience (CX). In this episode, we're thrilled to have Alex Mead, a trailblazer in the CX field, share his invaluable insights. Get ready to uncover the essence of genuine customer service and leadership in CX.

About This Episode: Alex Mead, a renowned CX expert, brings his profound expertise and unique perspectives to our podcast. This episode is a deep dive into the critical aspects of customer experience, focusing on the power of authenticity and human connections in customer service. Alex’s experiences and strategies are not just insightful; they are transformative.

Why You Can't Miss This Episode:

  • Discover the Human Element in CX: Learn from Alex’s ap ... 
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alex meadskycustomer service experience