Art, Motherhood, & Redemption: A Bold Creative Revival featuring Krista Dedrick-Lai

The Bold Creatives Collective Podcast by TJ Walsh

Episode notes

On this episode of the Bold Creatives Collective Podcast, I'm excited to bring you a powerful and deeply personal conversation with artist Krista Dedrick-Lai. This discussion was part of my original Bold Creatives Collective Salon Conversation series, conducted in 2021.

During the conversation, Krista shares her profound connection with art, which rekindled her creative spirit. She reflects on the period leading up to the birth of her child, where she grappled with self-doubt and felt unable to give herself permission to create just for herself. However, her love for her child became a driving force to rediscover her artistic identity. Krista explains, "I need to be a badass. You know? This kid deserves the best parent that I can be."

We also discuss how Krista's journey through motherhood guided her back to her calli ... 

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artistabstract artcontemporary artgrowthresiliencemotherhood