17. How I Supported Myself Financially Since Leaving My Job

Your Business Is Your Spiritual Path by Andrea Andree

Episode notes

Have you ever heard spiritual and manifestation coaches say “and then the money magically arrived!” and ask – well, how? How did it magically arrive?

I’ve been asking that for years. Since I’ve never heard anyone else share their stories, I decided to share mine.

Over the past nearly 2 years since leaving my corporate job and a steady paycheck, I’ve been following and tracking all the ways I’ve been supported and able to pay my bills. Not all of the money came in through my business, but all of it felt divinely timed.

I am sharing not to brag, but to expand your thinking around what’s possible when it comes to money.

I’ll be sharing things like:

  • The various ways I was able to pay my bills without accruing interest
  • How I worked through the shame of carrying ... 
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SpiritualityEntrepreneurshipLaw of AttractionMoneyAbundance