Your Business Is Your Spiritual Path

by Andrea Andree

For small business owners and solopreneurs here to make more money and have more fun without doing more work, by aligning to their Soul's path.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • 11. How Healing Your Trauma Can Accelerate Your Business Results

    11. How Healing Your Trauma Can Accelerate Your Business Results

    I see the topic of trauma all over social media as a way to recover from burnout. Yet I don’t see too many people talking about how it could also help you in your business. There’s no way around it – we all have trauma. Whether major or minor, we all have uncomfortable situations we don’t want to feel. In our business, that could have us dragging our feet on required action for days, weeks, or even months. No bueno in my world. I love efficiency. What if you learned how to heal your trauma so you can more easily take the action you know you need to make? That’s what this week is all about – how healing your trauma can accelerate the progress you make in your business. Listen to learn things like: A definition of trauma that covers major and minor circumstances A simplified model of the components of trauma and how they play out in your life A trick to use when you’re afraid of doing something Why you’re never fully “healed” and will always experience new layers of trauma One way your Soul guides you to your next steps in business Examples from myself and 3 different clients Links Grab a 75-minute call with me to move through a business block (for the next 3 weeks only!) LinkedIn: Instagram: 5. It’s Time to Break Up with Your Fear:

  • 10. Why It's Hard For You to Stop Working

    10. Why It's Hard For You to Stop Working

    We’re in the era of anti-hustle culture and people encouraging fewer hour work weeks. Yet it’s hard to just turn off a pattern, even when we know it’s in our best good to do so. Why? Most people use the excuse “there’s too much to do.” Yet I know that’s only the surface-level issue. Something deeper is simmering under the surface. In this episode, I share 8 patterns I’ve either seen within myself or my clients on why we can’t just stop working. Listen to learn things like: Why overworking isn’t always a time management problem What work may be giving you that you’re not getting elsewhere Common beliefs that keep you overworking Why you may use work to avoid downtime Why it’s not always easy to just go have fun Links LinkedIn: Instagram: Join my Spiritual Group Mastermind waitlist here: Learn more about Private Coaching:

  • 9. If Your Business Isn’t Moving Forward, Check These 7 Things

    9. If Your Business Isn’t Moving Forward, Check These 7 Things

    Are you putting in a ton of work in your business, brilliant at what you do, and still feel like nothing is happening? I got you in this episode. Because – I’ve also been there. You may not have thought of your business results as a manifestation, but in a way, they are. Everything outside you, your business included, is a reflection of the energy you’re giving off. If clients aren’t coming, if growth is slow, then stop looking outside you for the next marketing trick or business hack. Start looking within you. Fixing your energy is where you will move the dial. In this episode, I’ll share: 7 easy energy check-ups you can give yourself, and ways to shift those areas to work for you Why affirmations (alone) don’t work Why copying someone else's successful business system likely won't work for you The reason things don’t always work out in the timelines we expect them to Links mentioned: LinkedIn: Instagram: Join my Spiritual Group Mastermind waitlist here: Learn more about Private Coaching: The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden:

  • 8. Change These 5 Things and Attract More Money

    8. Change These 5 Things and Attract More Money

    To make money in your business, you need to offer something that someone has the chance to purchase. People give you money based on the rates you establish for your products and services. Yet there’s more to your rates than a dollar sign and number. There’s an energy to you and your rates that determines who and how much you attract to you. That’s what I cover in this episode – how to also align your energy behind your rates so money can flow to you more easefully. The mistakes I cover in this episode: You don’t know what you need to make. You don’t see the value in your work. You price low so you can help everyone. You have money beliefs working against you. You’re waiting to make money to feel successful. Links mentioned: Raise Your Rates info page: Raise Your Rates coupon code for podcast listeners: LinkedIn: Instagram: 1. My Intuition Wants Me to Start a Podcast: 5. It’s Time to Break Up with Your Fear episode:

  • 7. The Real Reason for the Gender Wage Gap

    7. The Real Reason for the Gender Wage Gap

    This could also be titled “why it’s hard for women to ask for more money.” Hint: it isn’t because of some policy somewhere. Our outer worlds are a reflection of our collective inner worlds. You don’t make change by fighting against some policy “out there”. You make change by changing the only thing you can control: you and your inner world. In this episode I share: An exercise to tap into your own inner world and see what’s hiding there for you. Where our inner patterns come from. Why simply changing laws and giving women more money won’t work. What it actually takes to change a societal system. Linked mentioned: It’s Time to Break Up with Fear episode: Sign up for the Raise Your Rates business accelerator – on early bird for $149 but get your $15 off coupon here! Learn more about Private Coaching: LinkedIn: Instagram: Join my email list: The roundworm study, showing how trauma can be passed down for 14 generations:,for%20an%20unprecedented%2014%20generations.