Good Company: Sarah Feinstein & Devon Pipars on Being a Yogi & the Path of Sadhana | S1 Ep4

A Curious Yogi with Bobbi Paidel by Bobbi Paidel

Episode notes

Welcome to the 1st edition of ‘Good Company’, where I riff on all things sadhana with friends and yogi’s, Devon Pipars and Sarah Feinstein. We swap stories and discuss our different practices which keep us grounded in daily sadhana. This episode is packed with nuggets of wisdom from three different vantage points, all encapsulated with a lot of joy and appreciation for the knowledge of Oneness.

We discuss:

➖ Meeting those rare beings who are walking the path with you

➖What is good company and why it’s so essential

➖Yogic life as a life of applied practice and why the practice can change

➖Meditation as immersion rather than avoidance

➖How the yogi has to be the most courageous

➖Self Reunion and the coming together

Learn more about the Self Reunion Retreat Weekend Sept 2-5 →

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conversationssadhakgood companyyoga retreat