3 Golden Rules For A Safe Pregnancy Yoga Practice

The Yoga, Bellies & Babies Podcast di Krishna Hassomal

Note sull'episodio

Here's a question for you: What do the nuclear industry and pregnancy yoga have in common?

It’s no secret that I’ve had a career in the nuclear waste industry for many years. I ran my yoga biz alongside my career and have found an uncanny similarity.

So, what do you think it is?

No, it’s not the glow!

Here’s a clue.

During my first job interview in the nuclear industry, I was questioned about the key factors when making business decisions. As a keen graduate wanting to impress, I answered something about the most important thing being efficiency or profit.


The correct answer was SAFETY.

Suffice to say I didn’t get that job.

And guess what? Safety also pretty high up, I’d say the highest, on my list when it comes to pregnancy yoga.

After working in the nuclear industry for many yea ... 

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prenatal yogapregnancysafety