
The Mage's Match by Finley Fenn

Bonded Books Podcast di Rachel & Cara

Note sull'episodio

In This Episode We'll Discuss:

  • Ancient Forms of Work

  • Arithmetic with Rachel

  • Positive Reinforcement

The Mage’s Match by Finley Fenn!


Regin Agmund was the greatest air-mage in the world. Brilliant, rich, proud, adored, with an elite position in Vakra’s powerful, prestigious Coven.

Until he lost his magic.

Even the best experts can’t understand it, and every possible remedy has failed. Regin is furious, miserable, and desperate enough to try anything. Even if that means hiring a greedy, defiant, and oddly compelling stranger to share his bed…

Selby Seng is a poor, travelling pedlar, who practices a rare, illicit brand of earth-magic.

She's shocked when the Coven confronts her with an astonishing claim: she happens to have a deep magical affinity ... 

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