Strength Training Month

The RunRX Podcast por Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Notas del episodio

Want to learn how smart strength training will help you run miles effortlessly? Tune in now!

Timestamps of big takeaways

What to Expect in 2024

[01:10] In 2024 we’re excited to share that our podcast will also be available as YouTube videos. Right now we’re going through the process of adding our audio to YouTube as audiograms, but soon you can actually watch our episodes too!

[01:55] Don’t worry if you prefer audio only though, friends. We’ll still have our podcast on all the podcast directories and you can tune in wherever you listen to podcasts.

Based on the transcript, here are some of the key timestamps and highlights from this episode of The RunRX Podcast:

Discussing Strength Training Month

[03:10] Coach Valerie asks members to demonstrate movements like squats to assess form

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