Starting University? A Blueprint for Successful Student Transitions Part Two

Successful Student Transitions - A Time to Thrive por Louise Wiles and Elizabeth Gillies

Notas del episodio

We know the starting university is both an exciting and scary time.

For many students it is their first step into moving away from home and living independently.

Over the past 18 months on this podcast we've been exploring the question of what it means to thrive in times of transition as a student, and we believe we have reached some important conclusions.

In this episode we reveal why we believe a Transitions Blueprint will help students to adjust and settle well as embark on their move to university.

This follows on from Episode 74 where we shared our rational and foundations for the blueprint and why we believe it is necessary to make this kind of support available for students.

In this episode we discuss:

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Palabras clave
student transitionschangetransitionhigher educationuniversityhopeinternational transitionwellbeingfreshersstudents