
The Champagne of Whiskey with Derek Reed

Libations for Everyone por Charles Awad & Ben Quam

Notas del episodio

Club Carraway founder Derek Reed makes his second turn on the Libations for Everyone runway, with some thrilling news about the future of his true-custom clothing business. Enjoying some whiskey in The Semple Mansion after a long day is a comfortable feeling for Derek, given that the "recording studio" for LFE is where he plies his craft as an expert clothier and stylist. Only this time, he can kick back as a guest.

The gentlemen talk about new comedy, timeless fashion, traveling to the same places, forthcoming adventures around the world, and more, along with these six topics:

👖 What was the original piece of clothing that made you beam with pride when you rocked it?

🎭 Who is a fav ... 

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spiritswhiskeycomedytalk showcocktailscookingfooddesignrestaurantsdiningtravelfashion