How to Recommend Other Podcasts Using Podroll


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🚨 New Feature Alert! Do you have other podcasts you love and want to recommend?

With Podroll, creators can now recommend up to six other podcasts right from their Dashboard.

These shows will be prominently displayed directly on your public website. Cool, right?

easily recommend other podcasts directly from your public podcast website with

What’s a Podroll?

A Podroll is a list of curated podcasts that you control. It’s a way to tell your fans and followers, “Hey, these are my favorite shows – you should check them out too!”

It’s like a mini-showcase of your favorite podcasts that displays the podcast cover art, the name of the show, and the hosts – all the important stuff.

Also, when a visitor clicks on a show, they’ll be sent directly to that podcast.

Using Podroll to publicly recommend other podcasts is easy and can be done directly in your Dashboard:

1. Sign in to your account and go to ‘Settings.’

2. Scroll down to the “Podroll Recommendations” section, and then click “Add Recommendations.” 

3. Add up to six of your favorite podcasts.

Your recommendations will now be displayed on your public podcast website!

Podcast RSS Feed

But wait, there’s more! Your Podroll recommendations will also be included in your podcast’s RSS feed. So, when someone subscribes to your show using a podcast app or directory that supports’s enhanced features (like TrueFans and Podfriend), they’ll see your Podroll recommendations in your feed.

Now, we know what you’re thinking – “But what about other apps?” As of June 2024, TrueFans and Podfriend are the only two supporting apps. But we’re optimistic that more apps will jump on board and join the Podroll party soon.

Podcast Recommendations Are a Great Way to Network

One of the best ways to network is by being in each other’s Podroll – it’s like a digital high-five!

When you add another podcaster’s show to your Podroll, you’re basically telling your audience, “Hey, check out this awesome show!” And guess what? That podcaster might just return the favor and add your show to their Podroll too. It’s like a beautiful cycle of podcast love!

Being in each other’s Podroll can help you reach a whole new group of listeners. Someone discovers your show through another podcaster’s Podroll and vice versa.

Plus, networking with other podcasters helps build a sense of community. You’re not just promoting each other’s shows, you’re supporting each other. You’re showing that you appreciate and respect each other’s work.

So, don’t be shy about reaching out to other podcasters – ask if they’d like to swap Podroll recommendations.

Try Podroll Today’s Podroll feature is a great way to engage with your audience – you’re not just sharing content, you’re sharing your tastes and interests. Plus, you’re helping out other creators by giving their shows a boost.

It’s a win-win! Click here to login to your account, and create your own Podroll today!

Don’t have an account yet? No problem!

You can start a podcast on for free. Click here to launch your podcast now.

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