Your Girl GuideExplicit

by Kathryn and Nikola

All things girl talk 101, hosted by two sisters sharing their experiences and lessons they've learnt along the way. From troubled teen talk to taboo discussions, we invite you to join us as we explore the trial and tribulations of being a young woman. We will be discussing an arrange of topics, from first periods to life as a teen/young adult. Get involved, share your questions, we're here to listen!

Podcast episodes

  • Ep. 11 Redflags and Deal Breakers

    Ep. 11 Redflags and Deal Breakers

    Redflags and Deal Breakers, the tricky part of relationships. Join us on this weekend's episode as we discuss the redflags and deal breakers that are faced during dating.

  • Ep.10 It's Time We Told You...

    Ep.10 It's Time We Told You...

    In this weeks episode, we allowed you guys to take full control. We had you all ask us questions on a deeper/ personal level. Find out what we shared.

  • Ep.9 Time For An External Glow-Up

    Ep.9 Time For An External Glow-Up

    In this weeks episode we dive deep into the abyss of skincare. We share our own experiences of dealing with skincare, according to the changes of our skin during our teenage years and young adulthood.

  • Ep8. The Do's and Don'ts For A Successful Job Interview

    Ep8. The Do's and Don'ts For A Successful Job Interview

    It’s no surprise that a strong interview is a major factor in securing a new role. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will be. In this week's episode, we'll be outlining a few tips and tricks that you can use for an upcoming interview.

  • Ep. 7 The Perks Of Being Single

    Ep. 7 The Perks Of Being Single

    Pop in your earbuds single ladies, because this week's episode is dedicated to you. We dive deep into the perks of being single and why we might not need our prince/princess charming to our happily ever after. We also picked a few of our listeners to contribute to this week's episode, tune in to find out if you were chosen!