Wisdom & VibesExplicit

by Ellaye

Modern science is behind as they continue to try and unravel the truth. Those who are Knowahs from a higher consciousness can decode and break the mold of the things we need to know to be free. It is against Universal Law to hand you the answers to everything, but, I operate as a guide to help you along your journey, as everyone's mission and path is different. Knowledge of Self is key, but there is more to this journey. Knowle ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Miseducation of Manifestation - Be Careful!


    Miseducation of Manifestation - Be Careful!


    Come chill with me by the pool while we discuss the Miseducation of Manifestation. I touch on several topics surrounding this “trending” issue. Lately, I’ve been hearing of many jumping into this, and perhaps you have already tried it. Games? Games we play, while on the stage? Typing in cheat codes thinking no one would ever know? Be sure to secure your room by Subscribing to My Channel. Visit Me at: https://www.ellayelive.com/mobile

  • Spirituality Stereotypes, Universal Prison & Principles

    Spirituality Stereotypes, Universal Prison & Principles

    Come chill with me by the pool while we discuss Spirituality. Sorcery and Got Damnery... who is right? where is wrong? when is the real story gonna get told? Hold on.. and you will see.. the answers you need are before thee.. inside ..not from I, as I am only a Guide. Be sure to secure your room by subscribing. Visit Me at: https://www.ellayelive.com/mobile

  • Children, Parenting, Astrology & Avoiding Programing

    Children, Parenting, Astrology & Avoiding Programing

    Come chill with me by the pool while we discuss the Children. Let's not forget our babies, the future, the pattern stoppers, the on toppers.. We mold them and create the world for them.. as a whole we can ensure their world and lives are as beautiful and free as we wish ours could be. Be sure to secure your room by subscribing to My Channel. Visit Me at: https://www.ellayelive.com/mobile

  • Never Ending Cycles - Principles of Deprograming & Balance


    Never Ending Cycles - Principles of Deprograming & Balance


    Come chill with me by the pool while we discuss the path to the Never End. Cycles on Repeat.. Watch Me as I defeat the pattern, cause no matter what happens to me, I know how to land on my feet. Conceptual thinker .. follow along .. and let's continue the conversation.. Principles of Deprograming, Knowing Thy Self, Astrology, Accepting Yourself, Wisdom, & Balance - Unraveling the Program is a solo journey.. YOU have to do it yourself.. it is not easy and it takes TIME..be patient with yourself. Be sure to secure your room by Subscribing to My Channel. Visit Me at: https://www.ellayelive.com/mobile