
Collective Amnesia

Whiskey Bros Around The Table by Whiskey Bros

Episode notes

On this week's roundtable with the Whiskey Bros, Doc’s packing up his life and realizing just how much junk he’s managed to hoard. Savage reveals the mysterious contents of his sack (don’t worry, it’s PG… mostly). The guys get into a heated debate that could rival any political showdown—room temperature coffee: a crime against humanity or a misunderstood delicacy? The recent dad bod carwash raised a grand for the Guardians of the Children. Venturing into the odd world of modern-day cartoon role models. Plus, they ponder the mysterious disappearance of supplement stores—where did all those muscle powders and energy boosters go? Emma Kok gets a shoutout, Assembly Theory and Sara Walker make the science nerds perk up, and the crew dives into the world of IV therapy—miracle cure or just a pricey placebo? Oh, and of course, there’s some chatter about ... 

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