
Psychos Get All the Airtime

Whiskey Bros Around The Table by Whiskey Bros

Episode notes

Tonight on Whiskey Bros Around the Table:

Join us as we dive into a spirited mix of local flavors, stirring events, and celestial surprises. Here's what's on the agenda for tonight's episode:

  1. Constructive Feedback Corner - We kick things off by discussing some of the insightful feedback from our listeners. What are they loving about the podcast, and what can we do better? We're all ears and ready to raise our game!
  2. The Mayor's Dinner and Water Woes - A special dinner with the mayor reveals more than just city hall cuisine—it highlights critical water issues facing our community. We'll unpack what was said, what's at stake, and what comes next.
  3. Doc and Chance Hit the Dance Floor - In a lighter segment, we cover the unexpected and thoroughly enterta ... 
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