
Religion got you down? No longer believe? Here's the guy that can help!

When Humanists Attack!!! by The Humanist Being

Episode notes

Chris West, WHA founder and volunteer with Recovering From Religion's hotline response, interviews the man that started it all Darrel Ray. Hear about how and why RFR was created. The phone number in the title bar is the RFR crisis hotline. If you feel trapped and there's no way out, call that hotline ASAP! They will NOT tell you to 'pray harder,' or 'go back to your church and ask forgiveness,' they will help you understand that you are not alone and provide resources for your benefit.

Recovering From Religion https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/

Secular Therapy Project https://www.seculartherapy.org/

WHA Lin ... 

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