
13. Jay | Part of being honest with yourself is being easy on yourself

What The Hell Do I Do Now? by Genevieve Henderson

Episode notes

Jay joins us this week as our first LIVE guest! Jay played soccer for Southern Methodist University. Born and raised in Texas, Jay left his home state after college to play professionally for the Puerto Rico Islanders, Alta IF, and the Tampa Bay Rowdies. Jay and I discuss the importance of having your people (DING DING DING), the beauty in finding your passion so early in life, and the strength in recognizing and asking for help when you need it. Jay shares his relationship with soccer after his career, and how he experiences the different chapters of life.

Full disclosure, this is my first time figuring out live audio and I have MAJOR respect for all the folks who work in this area, cheers to echoes and squeaky chairs!!!

If you would like to follow along on Jay’s personal journey, you can follow him on Instagram at @Jayn33. He also ... 

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