
They say opposites attract! But how far is too far adjacent!

Well Since We're Here! by Mr. Gucci

Episode notes

They say opposites attract! But how far is too far adjacent!

In regard to compatibility how much do you prefer to have in common with potential life partner?

  1. Why being opposite may work in relationships
  • The adventure of always guessing the next move
  • Sometimes having your own identity outside of us is helping to remaining you at the core 
  • When we both think or act the same it gets boring 

  2. The competitive nature of men and some women( cooking story)

  • When you share similar interests or hobbies it can become competitive
  • When friendly competition can lead to resentment 
  • Now things are getting personal leave my mother out of this

Key Take Aways

  3. Finding a happy middle gr ... 

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