
Is Your Business Surviving, Thriving, or Dying

Watch4thehook Business & Entrepeneur Podcast by Micheal & Tatiana Parker

Episode notes

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Three things can be happening to your business. Your business can be thriving, surviving, or dying. This may seem drastic, but this is the situation that countless business owners face day in and day out. Life will still continue to throw you HOOKS, but you will be able to hopefully choose how you react to them. Those reactions can be based on how well your business is doing at that time. Revenue and profit margins are the two main indicators that can tell you if you are thriving in your business. You can go back to Episode 23: Flourish or Fold to rehash how we have discussed the topic of a flourishing business before.

A for profit business that is surviving is making enough money to keep the bills paid and the doors open as they say. There is no margin ... 

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moneyecommerceaccountthrivingactionsacceptable riskprofitablemonetizationmovementbusiness mindsetfor profitprofitbusiness movessurvivingdying