
Overuse of Generational Wealth

Watch4thehook Business & Entrepeneur Podcast by Micheal & Tatiana Parker

Episode notes

******PSA**********This episode will go under the category of an Uncomfortable Conversation. In the new age world of catch phrases and attention grabbers, there may be none more polarizing right now than, "we are creating generational wealth" We ourselves are guilty of this as well, but we have come to think about things differently. Let's look at the phrase and break it down a little bit. What does generational means? Generational means relating to or characteristic of all the people born and living at about the same time. What does the word wealth actually mean? Wealth means an abundance of valuable possessions or money. Still with me? lol So, what does generational wealth mean? Generational wealth means to include all the assets-things like investments, real estate, cash and anything of financial value- that are passed down from one generation ... 

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